Advertising Policies Raw

Advertising Policies

Our Advertising policies act as a guideline for the Business Owners on the type of Advertising Content that is permitted on the Smazing Platform.

Post a Advert Process
To post an Advert on Smazing, the existing Smazing User must create a Business Owner Account Profile. Such an account requires the business information such as web URL, address, email, phone number, product or service offering, Brand/product Logo, online portal, etc…
Once completed, the Smazing team will review the profile and send the user the Approved notification.

Re-submit the Advert up on Rejection 
If the submitted advert is rejected due to either an objectionable content or Product offering that is not compliant with our policies, Team Smazing will send the respective notification to the Business Owner. Once you have edited your advert, you can re-submit it for approvals. 

Video, Image and Textual Content
All types of advert content such as images, videos, text, etc… must comply to the Smazing policies. Adverts for film trailers, TV programmes, video game trailers and other similar content intended for mature audiences are only allowed with prior written permission from Smazing Team and must target people who are aged 18 years or older. Prohibitive or Disruptive content includes:
- Disruptive content: Drug and alcohol use 
- Adult content and Profanity
- Violence and Hatred against Humnaity, Animals, Nature
- Content provoking Anti - National, Racial, Caste, Religion behavior

Prohibited and Restricted Content, Products and Services
- Adverts listed must not promote illegal products or services. Adverts targeted to minors must not promote products, services or content that are inappropriate, illegal or unsafe, or that exploit, mislead or exert undue pressure on the age groups targeted. 
- Adverts must not contain content that includes direct or indirect assertions or implications about a person's race, ethnic origin, religion, beliefs, age, sexual orientation or practices, gender identity, disability, medical condition (including physical or mental health), financial status, membership in a trade union, criminal record or name.
- Adverts published on Smazing app must not discriminate, harass, provoke or critisize the user community. 
- Adverts must not contain profanity or bad grammar and punctuation. Symbols, numbers and letters must be used properly, without the intention of circumventing our ad review process or other enforcement systems. 
- Adverts must not contain images that exhibit non-existent functionality.
- Adverts must not request information regarding sexual orientation or information about the sexual life of the individual, including what gender(s) the person prefers to date, without our prior permission.
- Adverts must not promote the sale or use of products such as :
- Tobacco
- Drugs and other Durg related products
- Unsafe or Medically subscribed supplements 
- Weapons, Ammunation and Explosives
- Adult, Sensual, Sexual content, products or services
- Sensational, Violent, Exclusive, Dis-respectful Politically or Socially Controvertial content. 
- Fake documents, such as counterfeit degrees, passports or immigration papers. 
- Spyware, malware or any software that results in an unexpected or deceptive experience including Links or URL to such products. 
- Products or items that facilitate or encourage unauthorised access to digital media.
- Prohibitive Financial products with region specific restrictions

Positioning and Targeting
- Business Owners have to provide a clear communication on the Product or Service promoted for Campaigning.
- Product description, benefits to the customer or consumer, Local Store or Chain of stores or URL details must be clearly defined. 
- Promotion videos must clearly state the company, product, service or brand that is being advertised. Please note that the Business Owner has the legal rights to promote the product or service and takes full ownership on the same.
- Advert components such as including any text, images or other media, must be relevant and appropriate to the product or service being offered and the audience viewing the advert.
- Business Owners must not discriminate, harass, provoke or critisize users.

Use of brand ‘SMAZING’
- All other ads and landing pages must not use our copyrights, trademarks or any confusingly similar marks, except as expressly permitted with our prior written permission. 
- Adverts must not imply a Smazing endorsement or partnership of any kind. 
- Adverts using Smazing brand assets such as Brand name or logo or any other must not use it explicitly or distinctively or prominently such that it becomes part of the creative of the Advert
- Smazing brand assets, if used, must not be modified in any way, such as by changing the design or colour, or for the purpose of special effects or animation.
- All the Smazing copyrights and trademarks must not be used by adverts except as expressly permitted with out prior written permission
- All Smazing User Inerface screenshots must be explicitly mentioned and must accurately depict how the UI will function in the product. It any creative liberty is exercised in the Advert, it must be explicitly mentioned. Else it must be avoided. 
- The UI cannot be modified in any way, including, but not limited to: adding special effects, interference or animation. All elements of the UI cannot be used separately or individually.

Use of User Information Collected
- All user information collected through Smazing Advert views must only be shared with personnel from the Business Owner entity concerned with the Advert or someone acting on your behalf, such as your service provdier. 
- Smazing Advert collected data, including the targeting criteria for your advert, to build, append to, edit, influence or augment user profiles, including profiles associated with any mobile device identifier or other unique identifiers that identify any particular user, browser, computer or device cannot be used for any other purpose other than the related campaign on the Smazing App.
- Smazing Advert collected data cannot be used for any advertising network, advert exchange, data broker or other advertising or monetisation-related service.

General Terms
- We reserve the right to reject, approve or remove any advert for any reason, at our sole discretion, including adverts that negatively affect our relationship with our users or that promote content, services or activities contrary to our competitive position, interests or policies
- If you are managing adverts on behalf of other advertisers, each advertiser or client must be managed through separate advert accounts. You must not change the advertiser or client associated with an established advert account. You must set up a new account. You are responsible for ensuring that each advertiser complies with these Advertising Policies. 
- Advertisers are responsible for understanding and complying with all applicable laws and regulations. Failure to comply may result in a variety of consequences, including the cancellation of adverts you have placed and termination of your account.

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