Busy Bee Honey Basic Pack- Jamun

Nutriplus Busy Bee Honey Basic Pack- Jamun

Pure and Natural

Nutriplus™ Busy Bee Monofloral Honey is unprocessed, 100% natural, pure, and unpasteurised.

About the product

Honeybees gather nutritionally dense monofloral nectars from single species natural flowers. nutriplus™ Busy Bee is made of monofloral honey that is carefully and hygienically extracted from the beehives, filtered, and bottled immediately, without any additives.

nutriplus™ Busy Bee Monofloral Honey is available in three distinctively delicious variants, contains natural nutrients and enzymes that have a wide range of health benefits. It is a Super Food for the whole family!

The nutriplus™ Busy Bee product is never heated beyond the temperature of the beehive. This honey contains a whopping 22 amino acids, 27 minerals including calcium, iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and even selenium. It is also full of vitamins like vitamin B6, thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and niacin.

nutriplus™ Busy Bee Monofloral Honey is unprocessed, 100% natural, pure, and unpasteurised.

Benefits and Features of Busy Bee Honey 


  • Boosts overall immunity.
  • Contains natural enzymes, vitamins and minerals.
  • Good source of antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties
  • Anti-allergic
  • Promotes healing and helps in fighting against cold and cough.
  • Good natural remedy for respiratory ailments.
  • Acts as an energy booster.
  • Improves sleeps 
  • No added sugar, sodium or antibiotics


Jamun (Indian Blackberry) 
Jamun (Indian Blackberry) Floral Honey is obtained when the dominant nectar source is from the flowers of the Jamun (Indian Blackberry) tree. Natural Jamun Honey from the pastures is sourced from bees that feed and forage primarily on Jamun blossoms. It has a mild and sweet flavour and is rich in vitamins and minerals. It is an excellent source of nutrition and can be used as a calming and sedative agent. Used as a health supplement by itself, taking two tablespoons of this honey daily promotes extensive health benefits.

Eucalyptus Floral Honey is obtained when the dominant nectar source is from the flowers of the Eucalyptus tree, commonly known as the 'Nilgiri' tree in India. Besides its very distinct taste and aroma, what makes it so special is its host of health benefits.

Indian Laurel 
Indian Laurel Honey is derived from blossoms of Indian Laurel flowers, a member of the Fig Family, and produces a fig-like fruit. It is a good source of antioxidants and energy boosters. Choosing Indian Laurel honey is the best option to relish the taste with rich, deep colour and nutritional benefits.


Busy Bee Monofloral Honey is unprocessed, 100% natural, pure, and unpasteurised.

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